Nine Days to Go!

Hello from the cold but sunny Finland!

Yesterday we had a special theme day in our school. It was called the Day of Tolerance. We have a day for international cooperation every year and this year we decided to call it the Day of Tolerance. We had a representative from Unicef here to talk to the school and also a member of the parliament Jani Toivola, who is the speaker of the year in here in Finland. He used to go to our school twenty years ago. He is famous for his efforts to increase tolerance in our society and we were very fortunate to hear him speak in our school and especially for us.


Our own students had a major role in the program as well. There were posters around the school, and students had prepared many performances and tasks for the others. It is wonderful to have such an international school with many cultures and languages.



Also our Henna and Hajrije had prepared a presentation for the others. They told them about our course and showed pictures. There was a picture of our blog and a picture of the Latvian school as well as a map showing where we will be traveling next week.

Today we made some Easter presentations to show you when we come. We have also made a video to post in the blog. I will post it during the upcoming weekend.

Next week I will host some teachers from Ufa, Russia and we will be very busy making preparations for the trip, as well as making plans for the lessons that will take place here during our trip without us.

I will see you soon! Nine days to go! :)

One thought on “Nine Days to Go!

  1. Thanks for this interesting post. That is a prefrence of multicultural school to share and compare different cultures otherwise we live only with stereotypes about each other.
    We are having our last meeting on Thursday to round up the programme.
    one thing I wanted to tell you about the money exchange. As you are comming on Sunday and Monday is also a holiday, if you need some Latvian money you should change some on the border, there is an exchange place. Cards are accepted in the shops but our bank in Saulkrasti is recently closed.

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